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COVID-19 Emergency Grants

HFL responded quickly to the COVID-19 pandemic. In March of 2020, HFL’s Board of Directors approved an emergency grants plan to support community needs related to the pandemic. The plan outlined priority needs and a simplified application and decision process that prioritized quick responses (within 48 hours) and disbursement of grant funds.

Since March 25, 2020, HFL has awarded over $800,000 in emergency grants to address food insecurity; the elderly and high-risk populations; supplies to support emergency response, including protective equipment for healthcare and emergency response workers; and unrestricted funds to support operations and provide continuity for nonprofit organizations. Most grants were made between March and June of 2020.

COVID-19 Emergency Grants Awarded to the Community March 26, 2020 to May 2021 Total Grants Awarded: $813,025

Category: Food needs for La Porte County residents with food insecurity = $132,377

The Salvation Army of La Porte $35,000

Grant funds to be used to purchase food and supplies to continue and increase meals and food boxes distributed.

The Salvation Army of La Porte $2,869

Funds will be used to purchase meat for approximately 34,000 meals.

The Salvation Army of Michigan City $20,000

Grant funds to be used to purchase food items, boxes/bags for prepacking groceries, and personal care products (paper towels, soap, diapers, shampoo, tissue) to be distributed to those in need through the food pantry.

The Salvation Army of Michigan City $1,608

Funds will be used to purchase two chest freezers.

South Central Weekend Food Program $3,400

Funds to provide healthy food including dairy, fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, meats and eggs to low -income families in the South Central School area.

Sacred Heart Church Food Pantry $5,000

Funds to assist purchase of necessary items for the food pantry.

Arise & Shine Food and Outreach Center $16,000

Funds to be used to purchase food and supplies due to the increased number of families accessing the Food Center.

Lamb’s Chapel United Methodist-Good Shepherd Food Pantry $5,000

Funds to be used to purchase food to feed families experiencing loss of income.

Saint Vincent de Paul Food Pantry $5,000

Funds to purchase food to feed individuals experiencing loss of income.

Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church $10,000

Funds to be used to purchase oven, freezer, and additional food.

First Presbyterian Church of Michigan City $8,000

First Presbyterian Church of Michigan City $3,000

Funds to be used to cover increased costs of soup kitchen services.

Hoosiers Feeding the Hungry $10,000

Funds to be used to cover costs of processing and transporting meat donated to La Porte County food pantries.

Share Foundation $6,000

Funds will be used to cover food expenses for staff and residents.

Supplemental Food Pantry $1,000

Funds will be used to cover food expenses for increased usage of pantry during the pandemic.

Community Food Pantry of Galena, Hudson, Kankakee & Wills Townships $3,500

Funds will be used to cover food expenses for increased usage of pantry during the pandemic.

Category: The elderly and other high-risk populations = $108,545

Catholic Charities $ 40,000

Funds to be used for rent, mortgage and gas card assistance for low-income La Porte County residents.

North Central Community Action Agencies $40,000

Funds to be used for low-income residents of La Porte County for assistance with rent and mortgage payments.

Housing Opportunities $15,000

Funds to be used to assist low-income La Porte County residents with rent, transportation costs and student education needs.

La Porte County Meals on Wheels $8,545

Funds used to provide frozen meals and additional supplies.

Unity Foundation of La Porte County (Home Team of La Porte) $5,000

Funds will be used to temporarily shelter people experiencing homelessness that have tested positive for COVID-19.

Category:  Healthcare & Emergency workers in need of protective gear & equipment = $381,967

All La Porte County firefighters (applied by La Crosse Volunteer Fire Department) $24,620

Gear Decontamination kits for 16 volunteer fire departments in La Porte County, 4 fire departments in Michigan City and 3 fire departments in La Porte City.

Northwest Health – La Porte $163,700

Funds to be used to protect healthcare providers, staff and patients at Northwest Health – La Porte. Funding includes: Intubation Boxes, Lucas Equipment (provides mechanical chest compressions for patients with sudden cardiac arrest), Canvas Duck Masks (to protect hospital support staff and other healthcare providers- not intended for frontline providers), Glide Scope (video laryngoscopy for intubation) and Patient Bedside Monitors.

La Porte County Emergency Medical Services $152,747

Funds to be used to purchase 11 Lucas Equipment, which provides mechanical chest compressions for patients with sudden cardiac arrest, for each of the EMS rigs.

Visiting Nurse Association $19,230

Funds to be used for laptops to help administrative and support staff work from home.

Citizens Concerned for the Homeless $21,670

Funds to be used for increased staff needs and maintenance of facilities.

Category: Other needs (related to COVID-19 crisis) = $179,136

City of La Porte $20,000

Funds to assist hiring a Communication director during the COVID-19 crisis.

La Porte County Small Animal Shelter $5,000

Funds to assist with food needs & vet for abandoned pets and owners without funds to attend pet’s needs.

La Porte County Family YMCA $25,000

Funds to assist in maintaining not for profit daily operations.

Worthy Women Recovery Home $5,000

Funds to assist in maintaining not for profit operation of the Worthy Women Recovery Home.

Friendship Botanic Gardens $25,000

Funds will be used to maintain not for profit operations of the gardens.

PPE Purchased for the Community $48,853

Masks, gloves, and other personal protective equipment bought and given to the community.

Hispanic Community Outreach $1,483

Provide communication and resources for COVID-19 (masks, hand sanitizer, etc.).

Center Township Trustee – La Porte County $7,000

Provide a Spanish-speaking case manager to bridge the gap between the Hispanic community and provide help navigating various programs and services.

Center Township Trustee – La Porte County $2,800

Funds used to assist residents with fumigation needs.

American Red Cross $6,000

Bring additional blood drives to the La Porte area.

La Porte County Convention and Visitors Bureau $3,000

La Porte County COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign marketing.

Stepping Stone Shelter for Women $10,000

Replaced hot water heater at the shelter.

Stepping Stone Shelter for Women $20,000

Facility upgrades and repairs at Stepping Stone.

Category: 2019 Grants Redirected for COVID-19 Relief = $11,000

Unity Foundation of La Porte County (Home Team of La Porte) $11,000

Funds redirected to assist with the homeless population during this crisis.

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2022 Cycle 2 Grants

Health Foundation of La Porte

140 East Shore Parkway

La Porte, IN 46350

Phone: 219.326.2471


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