Community Resource Hub
Maternal & Child Resources
Healthcare, Education & Pregnancy Support
Doula Services & Breastfeeding
Doulas are trained professionals who provide physical comfort, emotional support, trained breastfeeding support, and information to expectant and new parents during pregnancy, labor and delivery, and the postpartum period. Currently the B.A.S.E. Doula Program is accepting clients who live in La Porte County who are eligible for Medicaid. Community Doula Services provides system navigation paired with birth and postpartum practical support, home visits, advocacy, and evidence-based information.
Community Doula Services (Bilingual English/Spanish)
Services offered include primary care, prenatal care (La Porte only), dental, behavioral health, optometry, obstetrics, pediatrics, pharmacy services, outreach services, chronic disease management, civil-legal aid, and insurance enrollment services. HealthLinc does not turn patients away based on legal citizenship status.
LA PORTE 219.326.0043
MICHIGAN CITY 219.872.6200
Healthy Families – Dunebrook
Healthy Families at Dunebrook serves families with children prenatally or at birth and participants may remain in the program until the child’s 5th birthday. Healthy Families supports parents and empowers them to be the best parents they can be by providing education, resources, and postpartum support. Services come to you and are free, voluntary, personalized, and confidential. Healthy Families offers Safe Sleep education with a free pack-n-play and Safe Sleep Kit to families that complete the welcome visit. A Breastfeeding Peer Support Group led by a Certified Breastfeeding Specialist meets monthly at Dunebrook. Pop-up Playdates, Grow with Dunebrook, and other playgroups are hosted throughout the year
Facebook: Healthy Families Dunebrook, Inc.
Nurse-Family Partnership – Nurse Home Visiting Program
This program pairs first-time parents with a registered nurse to support them throughout their pregnancy until their baby is two years old. Nurses provide parents with the advice and information they need to have a healthy baby and be a great parent.
Perinatal Case Management – Northwest Health
The perinatal case management team cultivates connections for prenatal and postpartum patients. The social worker and OB provider will help determine areas of support and resources needed. Referrals for these can include, but are not limited to, referrals to mental health counseling, parenting support programs, WIC, transportation assistance, and more. The team works to advocate for the mother and her family within the healthcare setting and as they access community supports.
LA PORTE 219.326.5700, ext. 455
MICHIGAN CITY 219.879.6262
Prenatal Assistance Program - Franciscan Health
Provides pregnant and parenting mothers with assistance in accessing hospital and community resources, including obstetrical care, education, and emotional support. The team includes a registered nurse, a behavioral health clinician, and a case manager. Support provided includes infant clothing and supplies, pack-n-plays, nutrition, and pregnancy-related education, including mental health services, WIC and SNAP assistance, and insurance navigation. All inquiries and participation remain confidential.
MICHIGAN CITY 219.214.4700
Samaritan Counseling Center
The Center’s perinatal trained counselors are available to help develop a plan to decrease anxiety and stress for moms during pregnancy. Samaritan’s counselors also treat addiction and mental trauma issues, and offer services focusing on marriage and family problems, personal struggles with anxiety, depression, loss and grief, spiritual guidance, aging, and family-related addiction issues.
Strengthening Indiana Families, La Porte County Family Resource Center
The Center provides support, resources, and connections to families for their inidviual needs and goals. Famiies are provided with a variety of safety items such as safety gates and kits for babies/toddlers, fire extinguishers, carbon-monoxide smoke alarms, window and door alarms, and first aid kits. Families with a baby are permitted five items a month out of Susy's Store including 20 diapers and a pack of wipes.
Facebook: Family Resource Center La Porte County, IN
Women’s Care Center
Women’s Care Center provides confidential counseling, pregnancy testing, ultrasound, education and new baby items for pregnant women and their families. All services are free of charge and walk-ins are always welcome.
LA PORTE 219.324.4646
MICHIGAN CITY 219.874.4646
Women, Infants & Children (WIC)
Provides special supplemental nutrition program, WIC food packages, breastfeeding promotion & support, and farmer’s market nutrition program.
LA PORTE 219.326.7565
MICHIGAN CITY 219.879.3025
App: Search “INWIC” or ”Indiana WIC” at the App Store or Google Play
Medicaid & Insurance Navigation
Support for parents requiring insurance
HealthLinc | 888.580.1060, ext. 4405 or navigator@healthlincchc.org
Community Caring Connections - Northwest Health – La Porte | 219.326.2311
Prenatal Assistance Program - Franciscan Health | 219.214.4700
Car Seats, Installation Instruction, and Replacements
La Porte County Health Department | 219.326.6808, ext. 2438
La Porte Fire Department | 219.362.3456
Free Items From Your Medicaid Provider
Families enrolled in Medicaid as their insurance provider may be eligible for these free items. Contact your insurance provider to learn more.
Rewards/gift cards for healthy living
Nurse midwife services and/or Nurse-on-Call Line
Breastfeeding Kits
Discounts on car maintenance, food, shoes, etc.
Cell phone with minutes, data, and text capability
Dental care for moms-to-be
Baby scales
Diapers & Cribs, Bassinets & Pack-N-Plays
Geminus (covering La Porte County) | 888.357.4264
Healthy Families - Dunebrook | 219.874.0007
La Porte County Health Department | 219.326.6808, ext. 2200
Prenatal Assistance Program – Franciscan Health | 219.214.4700
Salvation Army | LA PORTE: 219.326.5342 or MICHIGAN CITY: 219.874.6885
Women’s Care Center | LA PORTE: 219.324.4646 or MICHIGAN CITY: 219.874.4646
Medical-related Transportation Available Through Your Medicaid Insurance Provider
For moms-to-be to schedule a trip to the doctor, pharmacy, etc., call Verida at 855.325.7586, (press 9 for Spanish). Regular business hours are Monday – Friday, 9 am to 5 pm Central Time. You need to call at least two business days before your appointment. Before calling to schedule a ride have the following information available:
Member’s ID, full name and date of birth.
Telephone number where the member can be reached.
Pick-up address, including zip code.
Doctor or facility name and address, including zip code.
Telephone number of the doctor or facility.
Appointment date and time.
Any special transportation needs you may have (wheelchair, walker, vision-impaired, etc.).
An emergency contact's name and phone number.
Or book your trip online by using the Verida Member Portal at https://verida.com/indiana-members/ to register. It is easy to login to see your scheduled trips and schedule new trips. You can also cancel a trip or get help from a Verida representative.
Overview of transportation can be found at Indiana Family & Social Services Administration website at https://www.in.gov/fssa/ompp/non-emergency-medical-transportation/overview/.
Additional Transportation Programs
Paladin provides non-emergency, non-medical transportation services, Monday through Friday, 6 AM to 6 PM. To schedule call 219.326.7889 between the hours of 8 AM to 3 PM. If you receive a voicemail message, leave a message that includes your name, date, time and length of appointment, and a call back number. If you are a recipient of Medicaid, please call the phone number on the reverse side of your insurance card to arrange transportation.
La Porte TransPorte
Serves residents of La Porte and 2 miles outside city limits. To reserve a ride for a scheduled appointment (call at least with a 24-hour notice, up to two weeks in advance) or to request same day pickup, call 219.362.6565, Monday through Friday, 6 AM to 7 PM, with last ride pick up at 6:15 PM, and Saturdays 9AM to 2 PM, last ride at 1:15 PM.
Childcare Providers
Bright Beginnings Academy
241 W. Hwy 20 • Michigan City, IN 46360
Head Start
811 Royal Road • Michigan City, IN 46360
Imagination Station
1200 E. Coolspring Avenue • Michigan City, IN 46360
Hours: 7 am – 5 pm
Toddlers (2 years old), Preschool (3-5 years old)
Learning Tree Academy
2510 Monroe Street • La Porte, IN 46350
Little Miracles
18 Pine Lake Avenue • La Porte, IN 46350
Hours: 5 am – 7 pm